Comparing Types of Dental Implants

Are you suffering from functional, medical, or aesthetic complications in the wake of tooth loss? Whether you lost one, several, or an entire arch of teeth, your dentist can help you replace them and restore your smile with personalized treatment. You can find maximum restorative dental benefits through implant dentistry.

These fixed dental appliances will provide durable, beautiful prosthetic teeth to your smile. And the dentist can give you specific kinds of implants based on your unique dental needs.

You can feel more confident in this dental solution when you know the various options you can choose. Check out these three types of dental implants and how they can restore your smile after tooth loss in different ways.

Comparing Types of Dental Implants

Single Dental Implant

If you want to replace one missing tooth, your dentist might recommend a single dental implant. You can receive more than one of these fixtures to fully restore your smile if needed, especially if lost teeth are in different areas of the mouth.

This device uses a titanium post anchor which a dentist inserts into the jaw via oral surgery. The anchor fuses with the jawbone as it heals to provide a strong, stable foundation that will support the prosthetic teeth, in this case, a dental crown.

Then, you can fill gaps in your smile that disrupt your dental aesthetics when you lose a tooth. The custom-made prosthetics ensure a beautiful and natural-looking finish that will make you feel proud of your smile. Plus, the durable prosthetic teeth will continue looking their best for twenty years or longer.

Implant-Supported Dental Bridge

An implant-supported dental bridge is a great way to replace three or more consecutive missing teeth. The procedure for this implant is similar to the single dental implant. But it uses two surgically implanted anchors: one to support each end of the bridge prosthetic.

With this device, you can eat, speak, and perform other oral functions with ease once again. This can boost your overall confidence. And with the security of the anchors keeping the implant in place, you do not have to worry about the device slipping out of place at an inopportune moment.

All-on-Four Dental Implant

The All-on-Four dental implant will replace an entire arch of missing teeth on the top, bottom, or both arches if needed. As its name implies, this implant relies on four anchors that sustain a full arch of prosthetic teeth.

Though this implant functions similarly to full dentures, the implant cannot be removed by the dental patient. It also offers more advantages than removable tooth replacements. It replaces missing tooth roots, while dentures can only replace teeth above the gumline.

The implant will therefore protect the jawbone from deterioration that might otherwise happen in the wake of tooth loss. Some patients might prefer the flexibility of removable dentures though, so discuss your preferences, medical history, oral health goals, and more with your dentist when you schedule a dental consultation. Then they can find the best tooth replacement treatment for your unique smile.